I've been a big fan of sours for a few years now, but up until recently, hadn't considered brewing one of my own. I had previously made a Brett B. stout that turned out very good, so I decided I would try stepping up to a full-on sour with bacteria and all.
Dueling brew stoves. |
When I was brainstorming what I wanted to brew, I remembered how much I loved both New Belgium's La Folie and The Bruery's Oude Tart, and knew I just had to brew a flanders red.
After talking to a fellow homebrewer, Adam, who had made a very good homebrewed flanders red and getting his recipe and feedback, I was on my way.
The recipe I used was a modified version of Jamil Z.'s recipe, but I bumped up the specialty grains by 20% per Adam's suggestion so that the bacteria and Brett would have more food. I also pitched the blend directly into primary, as Jamil's recipe suggests doing a clean primary and then souring in secondary, but this apparently creates a very restrained sourness that I wasn't looking for. I also substituted the wheat malt for flaked corn, which is similar to what Rodenbach uses in their beers. I will also be oaking and fruiting it later on.
I made a trip to the homebrew shop and was all set to brew last Saturday, but they were out some of the things I needed. I ended up having the owner order my the Wyeast 3763 Roeselare Blend and a 6 gallon Better Bottle that I can dedicate to sours. They came in the following Thursday so I moved the brew day to that coming Saturday.
I found out my buddy Rick was planning on brewing the same day, and figured that since it's always nice to have company that we would do a brew day together. I loaded up my car with my equipment and ingredients and drove over to Rick's.
Mashing in at 156°F. |
I started my mash around 10AM and was able to sparge and get to a boil about an hour and a half later. Both me and Rick ended up having efficiency problems - he ended up nearly 20 points below his target FG and I came in on target but with only 4.5 gallons of wort. I figured that rather than top off I'd just go with it, so I went ahead and aerated and pitched my yeast at 60°F. I plan on fermenting at 65° and ramping up to 80° over the course of a week or so.
Afterwards I will transfer to secondary and let it bulk age and continue souring for at least 8 months, adding oak staves and some sour cherries once the gravity stabilizes (probably in ~6 months from what I have been reading).
Flanders Red
Recipe Overview
Date Brewed:
4 Feb 2012
Selected Style: 17B-Sour Ale-Flanders Red Ale
Target Pre-Boil Gravity:
1.050 SG
Actual Pre-Boil Gravity:
-No Record-
Target OG:
1.054 SG
Actual OG:
1.054 SG
Target FG: 1.012
Target ABV:
Target ABW:
4.6 %
Target IBU (using Tinseth):
12.8 IBU
Target Color (using Morey):
15.3 SRM
Target Fermentation Temp:
65 degF
German Vienna Malt
5.00 lb
33.8 %
In Mash/Steeped
Belgian Pilsen Malt
4.50 lb
30.4 %
In Mash/Steeped
German Munich Malt
3.00 lb
20.3 %
In Mash/Steeped
Belgian Special B
0.65 lb
4.4 %
In Mash/Steeped
Belgian Aromatic Malt
0.58 lb
3.9 %
In Mash/Steeped
German CaraMunich III
0.58 lb
3.9 %
In Mash/Steeped
US Flaked Corn/Maize
0.50 lb
3.4 %
In Mash/Steeped
German Crystal
3.5 %
1.01 oz
Loose Whole Hops
90 Min From End
Wyeast 3763-Roselare Belgian Blend
Mash Schedule
Mash Type:
Full Mash
Rest at: 156 degF
Duration: 60 min
Water Profile: Brussels (BE)
Mash pH: 5.2
pH Adjusted with: Five Star 5.2
Here are some more pics from the brewday:
Sparging. |
90 minute boil to get more unfermentables for the bugs to chew on. |
Chilling. |
Filling up my carboy. |
We keep it classy in Reno. |